How to Deep Clean Your Toilet

by Jacque Grenning 03/24/2019

In general, most folks merely clean the toilet bowl, brush under the rim and call it a day. But hard water can clog the siphon inlets and stain the area under the edge. Cleaning this area takes a little extra effort but keeps your toilet in shape and allows it to more deeply clean the bowl with better water pressure.

What you need

- White distilled vinegar

- Rubber gloves

- Stiff scrub brush

- Duct tape

- Bucket

- Paper towels

What to do

First, reach behind the toilet and turn the water valve to “off.” Then, wearing gloves, brush out the toilet to loosen any surface deposits and flush your toilet. You want your toilet completely empty, so pour a bucket of water into the toilet bowl to force it to completely empty.

Next, using a stiff scrub brush, clean under the rim and brush deposits from the siphon holes under the rim. Use a paper towel to dry the area under the time and into the siphon holes.

Use the duct tape to cover the siphon holes. You may need several layers to seal off the holes completely. Once they are secure, remove that tank lid and pour a cup of white distilled vinegar into the tank. Flush. This forces the vinegar into the siphons but keeps it from running into the bowl.

When to clean

For best results, start this process after everyone is in bed for the night. You’ll want to let it sit overnight to give the vinegar the best opportunity to work.

Finish it up

In the morning, carefully peel away the duct tape and allow the vinegar to drain into the bowl. Use your stiff brush to clean away any loosened deposits that might remain. If any stains remain, complete the process again.

Finally, turn the water valve back on and allow the tank to fill. Once it has filled completely, flush the toilet. Then, flush it again to make sure all air is out of the lines and the vinegar smell is gone.

To keep your toilet spotless, clean it regularly and deep clean quarterly.

About the Author

Jacque Grenning

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